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RHHS Marching Band Update #6

This is Marching Band Update #6 - THE FINAL UPDATE. If you need to see any of the previous updates, you know where to go…..

OK everyone - the time has come! We have been individually preparing all summer for this Marching Band Camp, and now we come together to work AS A BAND. I want to thank all of you for reading my updates, filling out your Google Forms, asking questions, responding to my emails, and, most of all, learning and memorizing your music. You have given yourself a huge head start on the season, and you have every reason to be comfortable and excited about our first rehearsal. With this email, I want to give you some final reminders, give you one last task to complete for Monday, and share a little surprise with you.


*Your music is learned and you are in the final phase of memorization.

*You music is in plastic page protectors, in a 1/2-inch 3-ring binder labeled clearly with your name and instrument.

*Your music is in the proper order - see email #5.

*You have added the MARKINGS listed below….


*You must be dressed appropriately every day - pants or shorts with pockets, and SNEAKERS.

*Unless you are stationary, you need a dinner every day. Stationary students need a dinner on the last three days of Camp.

*You will need a water bottle labeled with your name and filled with cold water every day.

*You will always need your instrument, music, pencil, coordinate sheet, and chips (coordinate sheet and chips will be distributed on day 1).

*Attendance will be taken every day at 4:00.

*If you have not worked out athletic conflicts WITH ME DIRECTLY, I can not excuse you for sports practices.

*Marching Band student leaders will meet in the Band Room on Monday at 3:30

*Our Parent Meeting is on Friday, 8/26, at 7:00 PM in the Band Room.


*You should already have signed up for a uniform fitting. EVERYONE must be fit for a uniform next week.

*You’ll need a pair of compression shorts for every Marching Band performance. You will also wear your blue RHHS Bands t-shirt on performance days.

MUSIC MARKINGS - please mark the following notes into your music with a pencil in preparation for Monday’s rehearsal. Do not worry if you don’t know the meaning of these markings! (Pit percussionists do NOT need these markings.)


beginning: 8 silent counts, staggered horns up

measure 1: PB

measure 4: level

measure 6: PB

measure 8: level

measure 9: move 24

measure 15: hold

measure 17: move 24

measure 23: hold PB

measure 24: slow to level

measure 24 (brasses, snares, and cymbals only): turn 4

measure 25 (brasses, snares, and cymbals only): move 12

measure 25 (woodwinds, tenors, and basses only): hold

measure 28 (brasses, snares, and cymbals only): turn 4

measure 28 (woodwinds, tenors, and basses only): turn 4

measure 29 (woodwinds, tenors, and basses only): move 12

measure 29 (brasses, snares, and cymbals only): hold

measure 32: turn 4

measure 33: move 28

measure 40: turn 4

measure 41: hold

measure 49: PB on entrance

measure 52: move 32 level

measure 60: hold

measure 64: PB

measure 65: move 16 PB

measure 69: hold PB

measure 71: move 16 PB

measure 73: level

measure 75: hold

measure 79: move 16

measure 83: hold PB

end: down on 3


beginning: up on 7

measure 1: hold

measure 7: move 32

measure 15: hold

measure 22: slow to PB

measure 23: move 24 PB

measure 29: hold, slow to level

measure 30: turn 4

measure 31: move 22

measure 35: slow slide to front

measure 37: move/turn 4, slow to PB

measure 38: move 14 half-time, PB

measure 45: hold

measure 46: move 20 level

measure 51: hold PB

end: down on 3

OK……FINALLY……how about a sneak peak at your drill!!!! Please enjoy this computer animation of your fall 2022 production. You’ll be able to see why every one of you is SO SO important!

Thank you very much everyone! I can’t tell you how excited I am to get started making music with you!!!!


Mr. B.


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